February 19, 2025


curled up on the sofa

HTML tags are like keywords define that how a web browser will format and display the content. With the help of tags, a web browser can distinguish between HTML content and simple content.

With web development being one of the best tech jobs mastering the basic HTML tags is an ideal place to begin learning.

Top 10 HTML Tags


1. <html></html>

This is the root element tag. It designates that everything between these brackets contains HTML code.

2. <head></head>

This tag distinguishes the head of the web page from the content. This is where you put Javascript code or give ‘meta’ information about the website.

3. <title></title>

Have you noticed that browser tabs contain text that gives you an overview of the website? That text is written as the site’s title with this tag.

4. <body></body>

The body tag specifies the actual content of the website.

5. <h1></h1>

This is a heading tag, which creates a title by making the text bigger and making it bold. There are six heading tags: h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, in descending order of size.

6. <p></p>

This tag specifies that a given section is supposed to be its own paragraph. Browsers usually insert blank spaces between paragraphs, making the text easier to read.

7. <a></a>

This tag let’s us create a link with its ‘href’ attribute, like so:

<a href=www.somewebsite.com>Click here</a>.

8. <img></img> 

The ‘image’ tag is how you insert images into a web page.

9. <div></div>

Div tags group multiple pieces of content into a single container, which allows you to do things like apply separate styling to just that content

10. <span></span>

Span is like a smaller version of div, used to style or interact with inline content.

The Web Page I created by using HTML only(using some of these tags)

Rest of the Tags of HTML

1) <!DOCTYPE html> : The type of document its is.

2) <html> </html> : Starting tag of the html page

3) <body> </body> : Contains the content of the page

4)<head></head> : THis is the heading of the page

5) <title></title>: It is the title dipslayed in the browser

6) <p></p>: This is a paragraph

7) <!–…–> : Describe a comment text in the source code

8) <!doctype> :Defines a document type

9) <a> : Hyperlink used for link in internal/external web documents.

10) <abbr> : Describes an abbreviation (acronyms)

11) <address> : Describes an address information

12) <audio> : Specific audio content NEW

All HTML Tags explained

13) <b> : Specific text weight bold

14) <blockquote> : Specifies a long quotation

15) <body> : Defines a main section(body) part in HTML document

16) <br> : Specific a single line break

17) <dd> : Defines a definition description in a definition list

18) <del> : Specific text deleted in web document

19) <div> : Define a division part

20) <dl> : Define a definition list

21) <dt> : Define a definition team

22) <em> : Define a text is emphasize format

23) <h1> to <h6> : Defines a Headings level from 1 to 6 different sizes.

24) <head> : Defines header section of HTML document.

25) <header>: Defines as a container that holds introductory content or navigation links.

26) <html> : Define a document is a HTML markup language

27) <i> : Defines a italic format text

28) <iframe> : Defines a inline frame that embedded external content into current web document.

Keep going 🙂

29) <img> : Used to insert image into a web document

30) <ins>: Used to indicate text that is inserted into a page and indicates changes to a document

31) <li> : Define a list item either ordered list or unordered list.

32) <mark> : Used to highlighted (marked) specific text.

33) <meta> : Used to provide structured metadata about a web page

34) <ol> : Defines an ordered list of items.

35) <p> : Used to represents a paragraph text

36) <pre> : Used to represents preformatted text

37) <q> : Represents the short quotation.

38) <strong> : Represents strong emphasis greater important text.

39) <table> : Used to defines a table in an HTML document

40) <marquee> : movable text

41) <audio controls>

<souce src=”audio.mp3″ type= “audio/mpeg”>


42) <video> </video> : video can be shown on the page

43) <embed> : embed pdf

44) <object data=”pdf.pdf> : we can embed pdf by using embed tag

45) How to print the html entities reserved by html?




output: <div>

46) &nbsp : non breaking space [ for space]

47) &copy; : for the copyright sign [ HTML Symbol]

48) &#number; : emoji [ google search for numbers of emojis(W3 Schools)]

49) Semantic elements in HTML5 { alternatives of div }













50) For Image Map, use Image Map Generator: Search Image Map Generator in Google

51) Form

<form>: to create a form that will take use input

52) <input> : to input data

53) File Upload

<form enctype=” “>

<input type=”file” multiple>


54) <textarea> : You can see the text box in the browser page

55) <select> : Dropdown

56) <option> : to write options in dropdown





The title and meta tags are essential, they really should be included in every HTML5 document. HTML is the universal markup language for the Web. It lets you format text, adds graphics, creates links, input forms, frames, and tables, etc., and save it all in a text file that any browser can read and display.