March 7, 2025


curled up on the sofa

The book The Da Vinci Code is an interesting book consists of deciphering a labyrinthine code and quickly assembling the pieces of puzzle. It is a stunning historical piece penned by Dan Brown which was later filmed, many obstacles came but in the end turned into a popular movie as it is known a masterpiece is always a masterpiece no matter what.

Da Vinci

Leonardo Da Vinci was an artist and an engineer who is best known for his paintings. He was an Italian Polymath of the high renaissance who is widely considered one of the most diversely talented individuals ever to have lived.

Jacques Sauniere

Jacques Sauniere is murdered who was a big fan of the late Leonardo Da Vinci. He devoted his whole life preserving his work. One of his creations from diagrams of Da Vinci’s personal journals was the Cryptex (a strange, cylindrical shaped object that possessed a number of dials and contained a vial of vinegar with papyrus around it). Jacques, the genius chose this security measure to protect a series of clues that would allow only people versed in Grail mythology to open it.


Sauniere was murdered because a monk wanted to know the location of Grail. In the course of his last few breaths, he thought it’s important to pass on the important secret to his granddaughter Sophie Neveu (a French Cryptologist) so that she can find it, preserve it and not let it go in the hands of wrong people. So he paints a pentacle on his stomach with his own blood, re-creating the position of Da Vinci’s Vitruvian man. He also leaves a code, a line of numbers and two lines of texts in the ground in invisible ink.

He mentions Robert Langdon (Harvard Professor) name because he knew Robert was the worthy person who could help find Sophie the Cryptex and the location of Holy Grail. From here the journey of seeking and using of minds starts.

About the story

The story continues which the duration of one day and the author puts epic incidents that would blow anyone’s mind who would read it. It is a desperate race through the cathedrals and castles of Europe which is breath-taking.

The Da Vinci Code Summary by Santwana Mohan


The Da Vinci Code is an exhilarating brainy thriller. As the name suggests the book Da Vinci Code is a masterpiece that revolves around a code which referred to in the book “Da Vinci Code” are the clues written in code that Langdon and Sophie has to decipher to honor his dying wishes.

Langdon finds what he was looking for

The riddle that helped find the Grail is

The Holy Grail ‘this ancient Roslin waits. The blade and chalice guarding o’er Her gates. Adorned in master’s loving art, She lies. She rests at last beneath the starry skies. This riddle leads Landon and Sophie to the Roslyn Chapel

When they reach the Rosslyn Chapel, they are clearly told by Sophie’s grandmother that the Holy Grail is not there, suggesting it has been moved. In Paris, a realization strikes Langdon. He ultimately reaches where Mary Magdalene is buried now- beneath the Louvre, beneath the Pyramid inverse. That is where the blade and the chalice meet, that is where the virgin rests.

Langdon finds what he was looking for, clarified by the fact that the last riddle also points to the louvre in the end of the story. Jacques Sauniere had been smart enough to see to that the riddle matched with the new burial place.

To buy the book, CLICK HERE

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