You can host a website in AWS for free, for which you have to install the WordPress on free hosting which is provided by AWS. The steps are as follows:
1) Search for in any browser (Chrome, Firefox, etc)
2) There is a button in the middle of the Console page named “Create a Free Account”. Click on the button.
3) It will redirect you to a form page where you need to fill in all the details required. Filling the credit or debit card detail is mandatory but the cost is really less. It is only 1 rupee. This is done to verify your account and that money will be reverted to your account within 1 or 2 weeks.
4) Confirmation will come and then you need to log in with the credentials.
5) Login by clicking on the “sign-in” button by going back to the console.
6) You will see a page “AWS Management Console”. You can see your account on the top right corner of the page.
Also, you will be able to see the “regions” tab beside it.
If you have a target audience from Dubai, you can select that region for getting access to that particular server. This is one of the best features of AWS. It does not matter where are you sitting now, you can choose any region across the world.
7) Top left corner there will be a tab named “Services”, click on that and choose EC2 among all the services provided by AWS.
8) This will redirect to the EC2 Console page. There will be various resources. Click on the hyperlink of ” Running instances”.
9) It will take to another page. Click on “Launch instance”.
10) You will be able to see a page consisting of 7 steps.
i) Step 1: Choose an Amazon Machine Image(AMI)
Search for WordPress in the search bar. Select “WordPress Certified by Bitnami and Automatic”. Click continue.
ii) Step 2: Choose an Instance Type
Select the particular instance where type is “Free tier eligible”
iii) Click Review and Launch: It will go to the 7th step of the page. Click launch. You will get a dropdown where you have to choose “Create a new key pair”. Type key pair name according to your wish.
Click on “Download key pair”
Click on Launch instance. The instance launch initiates. It will take a couple of minutes to complete the launching.
11) Go back to EC2 Console. You will notice the Running instances as 1. Click on that.
12) Ensure the “instance state” is running. Copy the IPV4 Public IP. This is the IP address of your website. Paste it in the browser.
13) Well done! You have successfully created a WordPress Website.
14) To that link pasted add “/wp-admin”. For the credentials go back to the EC2 Console. Right-click on the running instance. Click on Instance Settings -> Get System Log -> Go down until we see a box made up of hashtag(#). Copy the password and username. Use it for logging in to your WordPress Dashboard.
15) Go to “Users” from the left panel of the page. Add a new user or edit the existing user.
16) Put Email Id and generate Password. Click on Update profile. Now you can customize your Website. Happy Blogging!
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