What is the art of learning something effeciently?
How to become a topper in any skill?
What are the traits required to be on top of any skill?
The personality traits to achieve it are mentioned below. 6 personality traits required are as follows:
The traits have been taken from the book “The art of learning” written by Josh Waitzkin.
It is a difficult task to be good at one task but the author becomes the National Champion at Chess. Later he became world champion in 2004 at Martial Arts.
The author says,” To learn something there is a process”. There are these six principles.
1) Learning the macro from the micro
Whenever we learn something new we should start from small and gradually move towards big. After we learn micro then only we can understand the macro.
Depth is more important than Breadth
The same principle author used while learning chess in the book “The Art of Learning”. Others played using all the chess pieces but the author played with only three pieces that helped him contemplate each piece moves with variations.
2) Losing to win in The Art of Learning
To win one has to lose a number of times. Losing helps you grow even if it is saddening and heartbreaking. This way one can improve. The fear of losing lets one lose in the final round of life. Therefore, it is important to get out of your comfort zone and face the reality.
We have to face the situation
One must learn from the mistakes and convert the mistake to an opportunity to learn and finally Win.
3) Expect and prepare for dirty
People will surely play dirty games with you, accept it and face it. Acceptance is the key. Prepare yourself to face the dirty gamers and take it as a challenge. Ignore it and do not be emotionally disturbed. You should practice not to get emotionally distracted by the people who want you to. This will loosen their confidence.
4) Have a child’s sense of freedom
Kids are always excited to learn and achieve success because they have no fear but when an adult tries the same he fails because of the fear. As an adult, he has already come across a lot of miseries, failures which concern them and make them fearful. As a result, they do not make it to the final ladder of success.
Therefore in the book art of learning author advises adults to have a mind like a child, with all the curiosity and willingness to enjoy the process, in turn, achieve anything.
5) Find the right partner who will help you grow in your skill
Having the right partner by your side is quite vital. He supports you, shares everything, listens to you, solves all your problems, and wants you to go higher in your career. This friend can change your life totally.
A friend in need is a friend indeed
6) Work on the areas you are neglecting before you are forced to
Don’t keep your dreams in your eyes, they may fall as tears. Keep them in your heart so that every heartbeat may remind you to convert them into reality.
Neglect is like a Ninja. Creeps up on you slowly. Unheard. Unseen.
Except unlike a Ninja, it does its work slowly, without you feeling it.
You don’t see neglect coming. It is stealthy, sneaky, feeds on itself, and spreads everywhere.
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