March 13, 2025


curled up on the sofa

Puri’s famous Jagannath Temple holds a prominent place of importance for devotees. It is one of the Char Dham pilgrimage sites in India and is also well-known for the annual chariot festival or Rath Yatra.

1) The flag atop the Jagannath temple has been observed to floats in the opposite direction of the breeze

This mystery has remained a mystery all these years. It strangely always floats in the opposite direction of the wind. The flag floating in opposite direction brings your scientific reasoning to a halt, and you just tend to believe that there is some force more powerful than science.

2) Irrespective of where you stand in Puri, it seems to you that the “Sudarshana Chakra” on top of the temple is always facing you

The metal wheel at the top of Lord Jagannath temple is known as Neela Chakra (Blue Wheel).

The chakra is actually 20 ft high and weighs a ton. It is fitted on top of the temple. But what is interesting about this chakra is that you can see this chakra from any corner of Puri city. The engineering mystery behind the placing and positioning of the chakra is still a mystery because irrespective of your position, you can always feel that the chakra is facing you.

3) No birds fly above the Jagannath temple in Puri

By contrast, such an aspect is a rarity at any other temple in India. The site is a no-fly zone actually, which has not been declared by any state powers, but by some divine power. This phenomenon also apparently has no explanation. It still remains a mystery.

4) After you pass through the entrance of the main door you are unable to hear the ocean sound

Upon entering the Simhadwaram, the main door of the Jagannath Temple, you are able to hear the soft sound of the ocean nearby. Yet, the moment you pass through this entrance and walk back on yourself, the sound disappears, until you exit the temple once again.

5) Every year there is a place just ahead of the “Gundicha temple” where the procession comes to a stop by itself

This is a mystery. The temple doors are closed to the public after 6 P.M. and in spite of elaborate planning, the proceedings are delayed in every Yatra. Thereby this delay gives an opportunity for the thousands of devotees, to have darshan of the Deities. This is at a time, which otherwise would not have been possible in the boundaries of the temple. Probably it is the Lord’s way of conveying that all mortals are alike in His eyes.

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