October 16, 2024


curled up on the sofa

Are you a person who is depressed or a procrastinator or lazy? If yes this book is for you.

The author of the book Attitude is Everything was once depressed and with his journey of surviving the depression to becoming a motivational speaker made him write this book for the good of the society.


In the urge of wanting to see people shine in their life and stand out like a hero, he shared his ideas how to leave back all the disappointments and move on in life in the novel Attitude is Everything.


Attitude is Everything book by Jeff Keller Summary


It is up to oneself that he/she wants to be positive or negative all his/her life.  Having a positive attitude towards seeing a thing can affect directly to the person’s mind. If one does not wants to be happy and look at to all the negative activities happening all around then building a right attitude won’t be possible.


Right attitude is something that helps one grow and gives energy from within to possess the same and act mindfully.


Depression puts a person into some situation that he/she does not want to be alive.

The author has given a few key ideas to follow that must help one through the negative thoughts and have a right attitude towards seeing the world.


  • Your attitude is your window to the world: One’s mental window fills with dirt because of constant Criticism; constant comparison; disappointment and rejection. One has to clean his/her mental window otherwise these might lead to frustration and negativity in one’s life. It will be impossible to live life to the fullest. But there is always a choice. The solution to this is Attitude. If one fills in his/her mind that positive attitude is the foremost thing to have in oneself then the problem is already solved.


  • You are a human magnet: Whatever we believe it happens definitely. If one believes to complete a project in two days then he/she can do it. Whatever is in the mind is believed that is possible to be a success.


If one continuously thinks about his/her goal, the chances are more, one will achieve it. Like human magnet one will achieve whatever he/she pursues to achieve.


A quote by Henry Ford:


Whether you think you can or you think you can’t you are right


Attitude, belief and action are the keys to be followed at once and the success will come to the person who possess positive attitude. Author has quoted a 6 words line. This single line can either better or destroy one’s life.


We became what we think about


Failure is like speed breakers. If one with zero attitudes drives, the speed breaker will be felt like a hill. Whenever failure hits it tests the person how strong is the determination to achieve a particular goal.

Adversity brings out our hidden potential


Author has listed two ways in the book Attitude is Everything that a person can change one’s thinking mentally, physically, financially in a positive way.


1) Everyday read positive articles or books for at least 15 minutes in the morning: This can help one start the day with a positive mindset which will reflect throughout the day.


2) Everyday watch some motivational video or listen to audio program: By this it does not mean that one must sit whole day watching motivational videos and do nothing in real. This is just for fitting good thoughts in one’ mind so that it will be a kick in one’s life which would help to achieve success in a better and smooth way gradually.


At last, it does not mean if one possesses positive attitude all his/her dreams will be fulfilled in one day. One has to face failure and with constant hard work a goal is ought to be achieved.


Jeff Keller has shared beautiful insights in this book. Attitude is Everything is a must read book.


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