October 16, 2024


curled up on the sofa

The Rudest Book Ever by Shwetabh Gangwar gives solution to problems by beholding things differently.


As the title of the book suggests The Rudest Book Ever has contents which is rude and might hurt someone’s feelings.


There is a beautiful saying by Katherine Hepburn,


It’s a rather rude gesture, but at least it’s clear what you mean


The idea here is simple that whatever is said straight forward it reflects to be helpful.


The author has showcased an important aspect of life to deal with problems. The problems should be dealt with possessing certain perspective.


The Rudest Book Ever is a self help and most frantic book ever written in style.

BUY The Rudest Book Ever : Click here



Some of them are as follows:


1) People are weird: By the appearance or by the gesture one could judge a person/animal either to be good or bad. When someone rejects a person or that someone does not behave properly then he/she will be given a tag as bad person. It creates a disturbance in one’s mind and all the judging happens.

To avoid all these, the author has suggested in the book The rudest Book Ever considering people as weird. In tagging the person as weird nothing would be affected.


For Example, if some girl rejects a boy then the boy won’t consider the girl as a bad person rather he will think in his mind that it’s okay she is weird and the boy won’t be affected at all unlike today’s generation teenagers.


2) Do not seek approval: One does not want self-satisfaction. In school even if a child knows that he/she has performed well in his exams, he/she seeks for appreciation from his/her parents and teachers. This is not a right way in improving one’s ability to sustain the difficult times. One must never lose the quality of being self-satisfied is sighted in The Rudest Book Ever.


3) You are a Nation: One must consider oneself as a president of the nation and others as different nations.

  •    The moral codes and ethics is the constitution.


  • The negativity, desires and urges that disturbs the nation are the terrorists.


  •  The self-control is the security force.


If one wants to grow the nation then with the help of self-control i.e. the security force one has to destroy the desires i.e. terrorists.


One has to become his/her own authority and build moral codes and ethics to protect the nation.


4) Choose satisfaction not happiness: Happiness is temporary so one must not choose momentarily happiness over Long-term Satisfaction.


For example, chatting with friends is happiness and completing a work is satisfaction. So the latter must be preferred over the former.


5) Admire, Never follow: One must not copy anyone or their ideas. They should admire them for their work. Everyone in this world has some portion of good and some of bad. One must not blindly follow anyone rather think over it by oneself and take a right step in his/her journey.


I would highly recommend to buy this book and read various perspectives which might sound rude but are facts and if applied are blessings in terms of applications.

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