February 16, 2025


curled up on the sofa

If someone aspires to become like Michael Jordan, greatest basketball player of all time then this is the book he/she must read and follow the ideology of Michael’s Coach who is the author of this book Relentless. The coach of Michael’s name is Tim Grover who wrote the novel Relentless.

The Author

Tim mostly provides physically training to his students but they get success results by mind training given by the coach. So it’s the mind-set that helps the ball set into the basket. If one wants to be high achiever then he/she can have the mind-set, Tim Grover asks his readers to create in their mind.

In his book Relentless he has mentioned three categories of people having three kinds of mind-set and attitude. They are Coolers, Closers and Cleaners.


Coolers are types of people who follow instructions are work according to anyone’s orders or advices. They basically do not solve their problems on their own rather ask other people to solve their own problem. These people can become good employees but are rare in doing great work achieving fame. Coolers like to be in their comfort zone.


Closers are those who can handle pressure and are able to do work. He/she always plans and are prepared for the situations and handle all that gracefully. These kind of people are unstoppable, just want Safety and security in their life.


Cleaners are the people who want to become unstoppable and achieves greatest heights in their life. They possess the definition of Relentless. According to author, relentless people are never satisfied with whatever they do. Those are the personalities who push their limits and set higher goals for themselves and reach to their personal best always.

From good to great to unstoppable

A cleaner is addicted to success. He/she never complains, never allows anyone to tell them things are capable of doing. They have the determination towards a goal.

How one can become a Cleaner?

In the book Tim has highlighted several points. By following those points one can become relentless.

  1. You push yourself harder when everyone else has had enough

One has to train his/her mind in the first place then body shall follow the mind. Every day one has to leave behind the laziness and fear and push oneself for achieving something great. He/she has to love discomfort. Cleaners always do the hardest thing first and focus on destination. People do not care how much effort is required to achieve a particular goal; they just have one idea in their mind,

I will do it

  1. You get into the Zone and control the uncontrollable

Zone is that state of mind where one’s mind is completely focused. This is also known as Flow State. It is the kind of mind-set where no gap can be created between the person and his/her goal.

  1. You know exactly who you are

Cleaners exactly know what they are. They are self-aware. Tim Grover says

We are all born relentless but taught to relent

Everyone has a hunger to achieve some or the other thing but society sweeps it out when one grows gradually and has to adjust with the culture and the world. To overcome this, to become relentless one has to trust oneself then word hard constantly.

Relentless by Tim Summary

One reaches to a particular point where one’s mind as well as the body knows the job to be done. Instincts kick in at once for the relentless people. One has to reach to this point of their life to become unstoppable and relentless.

Dear readers, if you are eager to know more points to desperately become the person you want to then I advise you to buy this book and become relentless by Tim Grover. You will definitely become the greatest of all if steps are followed saintly.

To buy the book, click here



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