February 7, 2025


curled up on the sofa

Researcher Gary Wilson in the book “Your Brain on PORN” has enlightened the readers with the idea of how internet porn is a curse for the today’s growing generation.

How porn is affecting today’s generation?

Even one is a student, professional or a sports person; this one habit distracts the person towards his/her goals, dreams, better life and good mental health.

Many people do not feel right watching porn and masturbate but they are habituated towards it and can’t help it. They do not know the way of avoiding it and not repeating the process.

Gary Wilson has sighted in the book “Your Brain on Porn” how porn affects the brain in a worse way and what all is concluded by the experts researching over the topic since years.

Pornography has been present in form of Arts and communication since centuries but internet has made it accessible so vastly that one is only a few clicks away from watching porn.

Porn is a phenomenon that affects one’s life, thoughts and desires and this phenomenon is increasing at a huge rate of pace.

Impacts of watching porn

This one addiction at any age can ruin the relationship between couples, in career or social life. Many a times one is unable to realize this.

Sex is a powerful motivational force which plays a vital role in evolving human race but due to the frequent watching of porn and masturbation, the quality of sex decreases. It decreases human connection and people are becoming uncomfortable becoming social. This happens because one creates a different world in his/her brain and is most comfortable in it. Also conversing to people makes them uncomfortable due to frequently keeping the picture of pornography in the mind.

Heavy masturbators face the problem of ejaculation during intimacy with their partners. They are always dissatisfied with each other and their personal relations come to grief.

The impact is a threat to emotional well-being and with the time one has to understand this and solve issue.

Your Brain On Porn Summary by Santwana Mohanty

Some may not accept the bad impact of porn

A Canadian researcher asked twenty students who are used to watch porn, of whether watching porn affects their mental conditioning and mental attitude. Their answers were no. But, according to Jama psychiatry research it proved that the result of watching porn reduces the grey matter and sexual responsiveness in people.

What is Grey Matter?

Grey matter is made up of one’s neural cell bodies and in the twenties it is developed fully in one’s brain. Due to reduction of grey matter, one can face problems in powers like vision, hearing, emotion, speech, decision making and self-control issues.

Benefits of not watching porn?

  • Self-esteem increases
  • Good at management in emotional level
  • Energetic at every work
  • Positivity and sociable easily
  • Concentration increases
  • Comfort zone increases with talking to people
  • Relationship benefits

Some tips to quit watching porn

Tip 1: Reset your brain

For the start, at least for one month one has to stay away from sexual activities. One has to be consistent in it. This period may be tough but this is the rebooting period for a better and healthy future.

In this period, one has to rediscover one’s existence in the life without porn. By this one’s mind will shut down and restart.

Tip 2: Remove all porn

Deleting all the porn videos from every gadget will signal the brain that the person is serious in changing his/her life.

Tip 3: Use Day Tracker

There are several apps and websites that track the daily activity. For example, NoFap.com

This can help one keep track of not watching and masturbating the particular day which can motivate and give a positive vibe to continue the same for the next day.

Tip 4: Exercise

Physical exercise is the best idea to distract the urges. This can help improve self-confidence plus building fitness. If one is under forty then it will also help in erection for the boys.

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