January 14, 2025


curled up on the sofa

The 5AM Club is a spectacular book that can change one’s life.  The book gives readers a whole new perspective to utilize their life and built a new routine for a being a successful person.


Every leader who is successful now has followed all these strategies penned down by Robin Sharma. It took four years for him to write the book after the proper research of the idea that can prepare someone to achieve the greatest height of success.

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Some of the morning routines explained in ” The 5AM CLUB ” to elevate one’s life are as follows:


1) The 20/20/20 formula:

The first hour after we get up is the most important hour of the whole day. This is the time individuals remain active and fresh. The author Robin Sharma has entitled it as the “Victory Hour”. In this period of 20-20-20 one has to Move – Reflect – Grow. In the “Move” interval of time one has to exercise, sweat excessively and practice deep breathing. This is the non-negotiable work to do otherwise there will be no meaning to the 5 AM Club criteria.


In the “Reflect” interval of time one has to meditate, journal, planning and pray. From this one can be positive and be calm for the rest of the day. Wisdom shall be developed.


In the last 20 minutes of one hour one has to “grow” by analyzing his/her goals, reading books or listening to podcasts. This can help one grow in the journey of success.


2) Freedom from distraction:

One has to remain aloof from the smartphones, the biggest distraction in this materialistic age. Today’s generation only focus on social media. It only gives us unnecessary ideas to follow, empties our intelligence, creativity, thinking ability and lowers our productivity. So by lessening the investment of time in these idiots boxes can increase one’s productivity.


3) 3-step success formula

Better Awareness can lead to Better Results. One can become open minded, arrange the priorities with better awareness. By this it can produce better choices. Better choices can give the idea of what is better than good in the current situation. Finally that can lead to better results.


A beautiful line by the author is

All change is hard at first, messy in the middle and so gorgeous at the end .


So even if it is a tough job getting up at 5 one must not hesitate and follow it for achieving their dreams.


Robin Sharma has given the book “The 5AM CLUB” a cinematic look which is so gorgeous to read. One must buy the book and start up his/her new way of living.


These are the best formulas I chose from The 5AM CLUB . There are many more that can help you get success in an easy, step by step, most effective gradual process.

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