January 16, 2025


curled up on the sofa

To light, your mind, body, and soul books can be of great help. There are books that make you feel good and gives you good, happy vibes to live with. There are recommendations of 5 feel-good books below. If you read these 5 books you will definitely not regret reading these. Go for it folks. Happy reading!

Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times only when one remembers to turn on the light

1. Anxious People

Author: Fredrik Backman
Genre: Fiction

It is a hostage drama. A robber plans to rob a bank but he eventually ends up in a hostage situation with 8 people. These 8 individuals have unique traits. All have anxieties of their own. It is an extremely humorous novel.
The victims are argumentative and difficult, the bank robber is distraught and the realtor is incompetent.


Anxiety is your body’s natural response to stress. It’s a feeling of fear or apprehension about what’s to come.
There are different parallel stories but get converged to a point at the end of the book Anxious People. After all the threads are connected a feel-good vibe would arouse in you. You will feel elated after reading the book.

5 feel good books recommendation by Santwana Mohanty

2. Uncommon Type

Author: Tom Hanks
Genre: Fiction

Tom Hanks is as talented a writer as he is an actor.
The book consists of different short stories. What is common in all the stories is a Typewriter. Uncommon Type is a book that will delight as well as surprise his millions of fans. All of the stories are set in a modern era but have a Typewriter in them.

It also establishes him as a welcome and wonderful new voice in contemporary fiction, a voice that perceptively is beneath the surface of friendships, families, love, and normal, everyday behavior.

3. The Little Prince

Author: Antoine De Saint-Exupéry
Genre: Children’s literature, Fable, Fiction

A popular book which is the fourth most translated book of all time. It is a story about a pilot who lands in the Sahara Desert. His plane crashes, he meets a young prince. The little prince says that he is from a different planet.

To read the summary of The Little Prince, CLICK HERE

It is a poetic enchanting fable between these two people. They have a spiritual journey together.
It is an easy read and a simple story but there are a lot of underlined themes in the book The Little Prince.

All grown-ups were once children but only a few of them remember it

4. The Five People you meet in Heaven

Author: Mitch Albom
Genre: Fiction

Eddie goes to heaven, where he meets five people who were unexpectedly instrumental in some way in his life. It is a great story.

While each guide takes him through heaven, Eddie learns a little bit more about what his time on earth meant, what he was supposed to have learned, and what his true purpose on earth was. Throughout there are dramatic flashbacks where we see scenes from his troubled childhood.

5. The Blue Umbrella

Author: Ruskin Bond

Genre: Fiction

Ruskin Bond is such a writer who has the power to making simple things extremely beautiful. All of his novels have an elegant feeling to them.

The Umbrella was like a flower, a great blue flower that had sprung up on the dry brown hillside.

Ruskin Bond’s short and humorous novella, set in the picturesque hills of Garhwal, perfectly captures life in a village, where heroism can be found.

You can also read the summary of the book The Blue Umbrella

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