A block is a unit of code that provides execution and scoping boundaries for variable declarations and exception handling. PL/SQLÂ allows...
In this novel Zahir, the author shows that marriage is worth maintaining. Storyline The book surely starts slow, but again,...
Sprint book is about how to solve big problems and test new ideas in just five days. The authors Jake...
The Power of Patience calls on us to reclaim our time, our priorities, and our ability to respond to life...
The author of the book The Power of Now is Eckhart Tolle. The questions here can come is if I...
Normally when we think of successful people like Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, we consider that they are able...
I have NEVER BEEN (UN) HAPPIER is a story of Shaheen Bhatt about Depression. It is not really a journey,...
Time Management Skills Made Simple and Easy. Time plays an important role in the fast pacing world. So it’s important...
Learn Better is a template for life-long learners. Through his six steps the author, Ulrich Boser believes that any student...
In the book, Emotional Intelligence the author, Daniel Goleman, argues that the Emotional Intelligence of people is more important than...