January 14, 2025


curled up on the sofa

Just think how you are able to read this blog or watch a video from youtube. You can do it because servers stores the particular data (blog, video, etc) and you can access it.
The server is nothing that serves anything we want in form of data. Sever serves the data which is nothing but a machine or a computer.

What are servers?

The server can be a program or specialized hardware over which a program can run, which then serves the entire world, whatever we want to access from the internet. Not only from the internet, but there can also be servers in the local network; in schools, colleges we have servers that locally serve.
There are varieties of servers. They include a database server, application server, etc. All the servers work on their particular job.

For example, if you want to start your own website or a blog, you can rent a server which is called web hosting. Here you can get different kinds of capacities of servers of your choice with a particular processor and RAM.

What is the cloud?

The cloud is made up of servers in data centers all over the world. Moving to the cloud can save companies money and add convenience for users.
Cloud is all of the things you can access remotely over the Internet. When something (data) is in the cloud, it means it’s stored on Internet servers instead of your computer’s hard drive.

What are servers?

What is Cloud Computing?

Cloud Computing is a technology that allows you to use a service via the internet. It can also be said that they are renting us a computer. AWS buys a lot of computers, keeps them in a place, gives them an internet connection, uploads some software in it and AWS rents those computers to us via the internet. This is cloud computing.

Benefits of Cloud Computing

1. Data Privacy and Security
2. No Maintainance Worries
3. Faster data recovery
4. Scale Dynamically
5. Reduced Costs

Example: AWS(Amazon Web Services) is the world’s largest cloud provider with 150+ on-demand cloud services. The most known Netflix, its architecture has been hosted on AWS.
If you serve/ host your website in AWS, you only pay for the server, for the hours of time you use it. You can rent the server.


Hostinger supports beginners; AWS focuses on tech-savvy people and professionals.

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