February 5, 2025


curled up on the sofa

The benefits of reading are humongous. Read the below 5 points that can help you get an idea of the importance of reading in this era of a materialistic age. You must understand, practice it, and encourage others to read.

1) Reading increases Vocabulary

Have you ever noticed you had a problem with expressing yourself with the right words? Reading can go a long way in ensuring that you build up a wide range of vocabulary which can be used in expressing your thoughts in form of words.

New words are continually added to the dictionary so the surest way to get acquainted with the words is by reading books. Reading is the best way to increase your exposure to new words.

2) Stimulates your mind and improves your mental health

Reading helps prevent cognitive decline that can be age-related. Studies have shown that older people who read have the ability to remember things preventing memory loss which is associated with aging.

3) Reading can be transformative

According to a growing body of researchers, reading transforms your mind and thoughts. Inspired by a book many people have had their lives transformed and charted a new life.

Books that can inspire and change your life

Dying Professor’s Top 3 Lessons in Life – The Last Lecture

17 Rules To Become Rich and Successful

Time Management Ninja Book Summary

Think and Grow Rich Summary

The Miracle Morning Guaranteed to Transform Your Life (Before 8AM)

4) Reading helps in stress reduction

A study discovered that 25 to 30 minutes of reading a day, can lower heart rate, blood pressure, and feelings of psychological distress the same way laughing and yoga could help in releasing stress.

Benefits of Reading

5) Helps with depression

Reading fiction can help a depressed mind escape their troubled world into a world where they can feel safe and valued. Also, if done continually it can help them to see reasons why they can come out from every situation they are passing. It lets you in on the ideas of others.

Also, read

The Little Prince Book Summary by Antoine de Saint-Exupery

The Courage to Be Disliked Book Summary

Who Will Cry When You Die By Robin Sharma Summary

Steal Like an Artist by Austin kleon Summary

Looking for Alaska Book by John Green | Summary

The Kite Runner By Khaled Hosseini Summary

When Breath becomes Air by Paul kalanithi Summary


The Rudest Book Ever by Shwetabh Gangwar | Summary

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