March 12, 2025


curled up on the sofa

It doesn’t matter that you got off track, the important thing is you get life on track.
“I was very headstrong, was motivated, and tried my best but I didn’t get the results I desire”. This might come to your mind always and anytime. Do not worry just try again. Keep the above in your mind always.

1) Forgive yourself for getting off track

One of those things we tend to forget doing because we’re always focused on go go go, but it’s INCREDIBLY crucial to show ourselves self-compassion.

You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending

2) Review your why

Always consider this. You look at how far you’ve come and you see how much you’ve accomplished and be grateful. This gives you the energy to go on.

3) Start small and do not overwhelm yourself

A lot of us can fall into the trap of trying to shoot too high with our goals and as a result, we get exhausted and stop retrying. We are so ambitious at that moment and then all ambition is lost, once we fail.

Therefore, starting small is a great way to build confidence and get things done in a consistent and substantial way.

4) Build trust with yourself

Be yourself!

If you fear how others will look at you or judge you, this might be difficult to be yourself around other people. Set reasonable goals, be kind to yourself, build on your strengths, spend time with yourself, and decisiveness is necessary.

Once you decide your life’s purpose, you will only have to pack one thing: Your Heart

5) Make it fun

Love the work you completed. Get motivated to face the day. Keep your work in perspective. You are more than your work.
Plan your time and create a to-do list. Concentrate on the task at hand. Be clear about what’s expected of you. Delegate wherever appropriate. Have regular breaks.

6) Make it visual

Everyone’s different but there’s always a way you can make an activity or goal more fun to do. If nothing else, asking ‘how’ until we find an answer could surely be a good way to practice creative thinking and problem-solving.


Get Your Life on to Track

7) Celebrate your small wins in life

Here is how to celebrate small wins daily and increase happiness. First, notice them, get excited, and then speak about your small wins. After, establish habits that help you to make small wins every day. Finally, reward yourself.

Don’t pile pressure upon yourself

Don’t compare yourself to someone else, compare yourself to your yesterday’s self

8) Focus on the feeling

Remind yourself of the idea that you can always begin again. You have an opportunity to begin again every morning, every hour, with every breath you take.

9) Embrace the imperfection in life

Be gentle with yourself which can be the key for you to success. Do not expect too much from yourself, that is when you can take a step back. You need to work in a more sustainable way.

It is confidence in our bodies, minds, and spirits that allows us to keep looking for new adventures.
—Oprah Winfrey

Also, read

The Power of Patience

Time Management Ninja Book

Learn Better

Emotional Intelligence

48 Laws of Power

Financial Freedom

Still Me

Think and Grow Rich

Make Time

The Last Lecture





The Power Of Silence

How to Learn Anything