March 9, 2025


curled up on the sofa

Reading is an exercise in empathy; an exercise in walking in someone else’s shoes for a while. A good book is an event in your life. Want to develop the habit of reading? 5 tips to become a reader have been highlighted below. Best of luck! May your reading journey become fruitful.

I read a book one day and my whole life was changed.

– Orhan Pamuk

Tip 1) Choose the right book before reading

First, find out the genres you might like. The process of knowing the book can help you kickstart the journey of reading.

How to know that this particular book or genre of books you like?

The solution is you need to develop a “Reader’s Profile”. In a reader’s profile, you get to understand the books you actually like.

After you decide what might interest you, go on to the internet and find out the best sellers in that particular genre. Pick one of the books and make sure the language would be simple and easily readable for a new reader.

Once you get the right book and you complete the book, there is no stopping you. It will boost your confidence to the peak and you will start your journey towards becoming a reader.

Tip 2) Never read the book after using social media

This gives guilt of wasting your time because it is not valuable content you put your head into. With books, it is not that. You never feel guilty after reading. Never be on the internet and start reading the book. It will distract your mind. Social media disturbs the mind. The continuous video contents of cats, or dogs, or anything distracts the mind from stability.

Tip 3) Trying audiobooks

This is good because you can read while doing anything like cycling, eating, or sitting. It gives a surreal experience. Try listening to audiobooks of genre self-help because it will directly get into your head after you listen. This will help you a lot.

5 tips to become a reader

Tip 4) Bunching your habits

There are some habits that you do on your daily basis. Try adding a book to that. For example, you might drink tea or coffee every day.

While preparing tea/coffee, keep a book somewhere near to it. This will take your direction of mind to book. You will go and sit somewhere to grab your favorite beverage of the day and in addition to that, you will read.
Easy? Go on, Read.

The reading of all good books is like conversation with the finest (people) of the past centuries.

– Descartes

Tip 5) Having conversations about Reading

It helps you to understand that people read. In every discussion, you are bound to learn something new. Talk to people who read, find readers, have conversations. This will help you develop an interest in reading.

A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one.

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